No Child Should
Grow Up Alone
We help children in need
In doing so, we act quickly and unbureaucratically, actively engage and bring in our expertise as an international organization in a variety of ways. For example, in crisis housing groups, in counseling centers, outpatient clinics and aftercare, where children, adolescents and their families find what they urgently need: relief, support and the opportunity for a new perspective.
Family-Like Care
SOS Children’s Villages builds families for orphaned, abandoned and other vulnerable children. When children cannot stay with their family or have no family, we give them a safe home, together with their siblings, where they can grow up in one of our SOS families.
Each child has a caring parent
Family ties grow naturally
Each family creates its own home
The SOS family is a part of the community
Family Strengthening Programme
We strengthen disadvantaged families to prevent crises that can in the worst case scenario lead to children being placed in out-of-home care. SOS Children's Villages supports families so they can once again manage their lives independently and care for their children.
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Vocational Taining Centres
We strengthen disadvantaged families to prevent crises that can in the worst case scenario lead to children being placed in out-of-home care
SOS Programme Locations
SOS Children's Villages
Family Strengthening Programmes
Vocational Training Centers
SOS Hermann Gmeiner Schools